
Stressed? Here’s my top tips for coping with exam stress

I hate exams, in fact every time the word is even mentioned I get extremely nervous. But I found some little ways of helping myself not only during the exam period but leading up to it.

Now, first things first I know you have probably heard this advice before, but it is the best one going. Revise months before your exams! This will give your brain enough time to absorb the information and you can still go out and do the things you love. However, I do advise that the closer you get to exams to start revising more frequently but with little breaks, of course.

Now during secondary school and college flashcards were a god send! I would sit for hours practicing making sure I wouldn’t get stumped on a question due to me not knowing the meaning of a word. Make a list of the words you struggle to remember the meaning of and get practicing because you will feel much more confident going into your exam. Not sure? Well give it a try and ask a friend or a family member to test you, this not only tests you to see if you know the information but will add a little bit of pressure which is great practise.

Bright bold and colourful! Makes everything much more interesting getting board of reading the same black and white note add a splash of colour it will grab your attention, making you want to read the information highlighted.

Do as many practise questions as possible and ask a teacher to mark them, now I know you don’t like doing them, but the truth is no one does but it is extremely helpful in terms of exam practise. By doing this you get used to writing in exam style and time which is what makes them such a great preparation tool for all exams.

Be sure to stay hydrated, this is extremely important as it helps you concentrate which achieves better results. This is important for everyone at all times, however during exam season its important that you do this as you feel much better going into the exam hall.

I would also advise that after your exams you do not look back at your notes, as if you have missed some information then you cause unnecessary stress as there is no longer anything you can do to change the end result.